Relationship selling or Consultive selling is one of the most important methods for Apple in the selling process. When you buy an Apple product, you will constantly recieve emails regarding your pruduct, and new updates for it, and how your Apple product has been performing. Apple also makes sure that they are giving their consumers the best product they can give. By doing this Apple is building a relationship with the consumer, which leads to loyal customers and once the new model or a new product from Apple comes out these loyal customers are more likely to by their new products. For Apple in a business point of view building loyal customers and using the Relationship selling process also is a cheaper way for them, because it will cost them more to make a new customer then to retain a current consumer. One reason would be advertising, as we rea in the previous chapter, advertising its not a cheap cost, and when you retain a customer they already know your product, and you don't have to advertise it too much to a current consumer.
Apple promotes their products by showing it to you, and let you use it. This is one of the reasons apple has the famous "Apple Stores" worldwide. Apple does not give coupons, or any type of discount, but they do offer rebates when you purchase a Mac; rither on a printer or an IPod Touch. Because of their good reputation, and great sales, they would not be in a position for discounts.
There is an simple way to demonstrate how Apple retains their customers and has loyal customers; everytime there is a new Apple products, you have customers waiting hours before the launch of the product, to be the first one's to have it.